maanantai 19. elokuuta 2024


Uuno Kailas(1901-1933)

I see a boat its sails off taking.
Behind a railway embankment's coiling snake
yet ended the Sun's escape.
Behind it a ravenous cloud.

It like a bird flies over the land 
with a neck extended,
maw open like the Sun, the night's firefly,
it would desire to catch and devour.

And reaped the reeds of the shore.
I see the shallow water gazing suspiciously
now like an odd eye lashes lacking
into the evening desolate and shadowy.

And the wind flutters in its last
and soon from its wings will fall
like a thought, scared of its flight
over the infinite, strange land.

(Ilta; Runoja, 1932, s. 72-73.)

#UunoKailas #FinnishLiterature #FinnishPoems #FinnishPoetry #Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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