lauantai 13. maaliskuuta 2021


P. J. Hannikainen(1854-1924)

You grew, maiden fair
in the cottage of your father,
like a flower beautiful, sweet
on the green grass.

The gentlest time of childhood
you played with me
and were my best friend
and only joy.

World then weaned
us from each other,
yet you, my beloved, evermore
I always remember.

Lapsuuden ystävälle has been translated from the page 111 of the anthology Jo valkenee kaukainen ranta: Suomalaisia runoja(1989), which was edited by Hannu Sarala.

#PekkaJuhaniHannikainen #PJ Hannikainen #FinnishLiterature #FinnishPoems #FinnishPoetry #Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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