lauantai 21. elokuuta 2021


Juhani Siljo(1888-1918)

How a wave of the stream could stay
with you, flower of the shore -?
Its destiny is to wander away
always forth, into eternity.

Only a moment by you to linger
and caress your stem it can,
- to its bosom a note of longing sticks,
but a more eternal longing gave

the great home of the straying wave,
whose happiness hidden is
beyond a voyage bleak, alien,
beyond many desolate days.

- How could a wave of the stream stay
with you, flower of the shore -?
Your destiny to stay is, - and away,
away the destiny of the far waves.

Aallon laulua has been translated from the page 168 of the anthology Jo valkenee kaukainen ranta: Suomalaisia runoja(1989), which was edited by Hannu Sarala.

#JuhaniSiljo #FinnishLiterature #FinnishPoems #FinnishPoetry #Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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