tiistai 24. elokuuta 2021


Uuno Kailas(1901-1933)

This evening who would play for me,
when the Sun is descending to the sea.
This wordless peace of expanses
who in notes with hot blood would translate.

This evening who would play for me,
when the wind falls asleep in the reed tips for the night.
So ill I am. Heart longs
now for the wedding of the clouds and the dusk.

This evening who would play for me
and sing to me a song about longing.
Oh that with glittering wings could
like a bird of passage fly from life!

Kaipaus has been translated from the page 138 of the anthology Jo valkenee kaukainen ranta: Suomalaisia runoja(1989), which was edited by Hannu Sarala.

#UunoKailas #FinnishLiterature #FinnishPoems #FinnishPoetry #Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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