lauantai 19. tammikuuta 2019


Kaarlo Sarkia(1902-1945)

Like a burning dream your fresh blossom you open
in the gray oppressive air of my room,
and like in a flame, suddenly blazing,
into colour, bounty of life you from your night awaken.

Terribly poor, shrivelled and with thorns hard
all your life you slept on a cramped window.
But under the dusty, hard and hoarse husk
yet you lived, with full and sap swelling bosom.

Ugly, chained plant, in your limits likely bursting,
your shrunken state you no longer endure!
You flare out from your prison's darkness
hurling into spring air your huge inmost dreams.

(Kukkiva kaktus, 1929.)

The original rhyme is ABBA.

#KaarloSarkia #FinnishLiterature #FinnishPoetry #Poem #Poems #Poetry #Verse

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